Ways of knowing: lines of contact between the sciences and the arts#

18th of September, 2024, hybrid event#

Free Registration
Zoom link

Organised by our Barcelona Knowledge Hub, this meeting aims to explore and develop synergies between the sciences and the arts as complementary ways of understanding and interpreting the world. Speakers include Lluis Nacenta, Jaume Bertranpetit MAE and and invited artists.

  • From 9:30 h to 14 h, RACAB (Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona), (La Rambla 115, Barcelona)
  • From 16 h to 18 h, Gallery Espai 2 (c. dels Àngels 16, Barcelona)


Invited speakers:
  • Paula Bruna
  • Lua Coderch
  • Anna Dumitriu
  • Javier Forment
  • Joan Llort
  • Marta de Menezes
  • Alex May
  • Josep Perelló


Morning session at the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona (RACAB)
At Presidential Table: Lluis Nacenta and Jaume Bertranpetit
Front row: Invited speakers

09.30h Welcome – Jaume Bertranpetit gives the welcome to all participants

09.35h Lluis Nacenta introduces the topic and presents the speakers

09.45h Keynote Anna Dumitriu

10.05h Conversation Anna Dumitriu and Josep Perelló

10.35h Keynote Marta de Menezes

10.55h Conversation Marta de Menezes and Lúa Coderch

11.25h Coffee Break

12.00 Keynote Javier Forment

12.20 Conversation Javier Forment and Paula Bruna

12.50 Keynote Alex May

13.10 Conversation Alex May and Joan Llort

14.00 Lunch at Antic Forn

Afternoon session at Barcelona Gallery Espai 2

16.00-18.00 Workshop by Marta de Menezes and Anna Dumitriu

18.00 Closure of the event

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